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Buy Premium Selenium Proxies

Streamline Your Automation with Advanced Selenium Proxies – Secure, Reliable, and Fast!


0.5 Sec Response Time


99.97% Success rate.


10M+ Private IPs

Selenium Proxies
Selenium Proxies

What are Selenium Proxies?

Selenium is a well-known automation tool primarily used for controlling web browsers through scripts. Web application testing in the IT industry heavily relies on it to ensure that web pages function correctly across various browsers and systems. Selenium is popular because it can mimic human actions in a browser, which enables the automation of repetitive tasks such as testing, site monitoring, or scraping. It is compatible with multiple programming languages like Python, Java, C#, etc., and supports various operating systems and browsers, making it highly versatile for developers and testers alike.

Third-party proxies are necessary when using Selenium for tasks that require interaction with web resources from different locations or for avoiding IP-based blocking mechanisms. Users can imitate access from various parts of the world by sending requests through these proxies, hence testing content delivery across global markets, among other things. Additionally, users can also conceal their activities during web scraping by routing requests through proxies, which is particularly useful where accurate testing and privacy are critical. This allows individuals to validate international functionalities and extract large volumes of data at once without being banned by service providers.

Top Uses of Selenium Proxies

Automated Testing Across Multiple Geographies:

With Selenium proxies, one can simulate users from different geographical locations to ensure that web applications deliver the same user experience worldwide. This is important for streaming services, e-commerce platforms, or information portals targeting international audiences.

Performance Testing:

Developers can use proxies to determine how fast web applications respond when accessed from various places, thus identifying potential performance bottlenecks based on a user's location.

Load Testing:

Proxies distribute traffic across multiple servers, which lets testers check how an application behaves under high loads caused by many concurrent clients; this is necessary if an organization anticipates heavy user interaction with its website and wants to prepare for scalability accordingly.

Security Testing:

Using Selenium proxies helps in discovering how well an application responds to requests from different network environments, which may reveal security weaknesses like content delivery issues due to regional data legislations affecting user data management.

SEO and Localization Testing:

Proxies enable SEO specialists or marketers to verify search engine results as seen from different areas; they also ensure that the correct local content is displayed in line with regional SEO strategies.

Ad Verification:

Advertisers can employ Selenium proxies to confirm whether their ads are being placed correctly on websites across international boundaries and if so, ascertain whether they appear without being redirected by geographical content regulations.

Buy Proxies for Selenium

Rotating Residential Proxies

Packages with different options, features, prices, and available locations

  • US, CA, UK, RL regions
  • Metered & unmetered plans
  • State IPs (US only)
  • Unlimited concurrent session
  • Sticky sessions (60 minutes)
  • Rotation sessions
  • Dashboard access
  • Zero Captcha IPs
  • Instant delivery
  • 24/7 support
  • Bandwidth rollover
  • 100% pure residential IPs
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Most Important Things About Selenium Proxies

How Do Selenium Proxies Enhance Anonymity:

Your IP address is hidden when you use Selenium proxies, hence enabling anonymous browsing during automation. This is crucial for tests where privacy and security are major concerns, such as competitive intelligence gathering or secure environment simulations.

What Impact Do Proxies Have on Automated Testing Accuracy:

By incorporating proxies into Selenium, not only will the tests be comprehensive, but they will also closely imitate real user interactions. Such an approach becomes necessary for geo-sensitive applications that behave differently based on users' locations.

Why are Proxies Necessary for Scalability in Testing:

With proxies, one can test simultaneously from multiple points around the world without physically being there or setting up elaborate infrastructure, thus making performance evaluation scalable and efficient.

Where Do Proxies Fit in Compliance Testing:

As businesses strive to comply with local regulations through their applications, a proxy can be used to imitate visits from specific locations, which is necessary for worldwide services.

Can Proxies Help with Load Balancing During Tests:

Proxies enable the creation of different loads on apps during tests by routing traffic through various proxies, ensuring that despite traffic surges, there is always a fair user experience due to load balancing.

What Do Proxies Have to Do with Security Audits in Selenium:

To ensure that an application can withstand attacks from various network environments, it should be subjected to tests where breaches are simulated through IPs worldwide known for hacking activities.

Top Selenium Proxy Locations

We can equip our clients with a proxy pool that includes over 10 million IPs. Our coverage extends to the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Canada (CA), and a separate mixed pool called RL (excluding US, CA, and UK). This comprehensive pool of proxies enables you to efficiently conduct large-scale business operations.

Live Proxies USUS
Live Proxies CACA
Live Proxies UKUK
Live Proxies RLRL
Live Proxies

Frequently Asked


Please visit our Help Center if you have questions that are not listed below

What Exactly Does a Selenium Proxy Imply?

Why to Use a Proxy with Selenium?

How can I Configure my Selenium to Work with Proxies?

Can Web Scraping be Sped up by Using Selenium Proxies?

Which Types of Proxies are Best Suited for Use with Selenium?

Optimize Your Automated Testing with Premium Selenium Proxies

Streamline Web Automation with Fast, Secure, and Reliable Proxies for Seamless Global Testing

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